Nathanael Fairbotham

Learn more about him below...

About Nate

Rarely do you find someone with as much natural talent as Nate. The way he combines a deep understanding of cinematography and computational imagery is outstanding, and is obvious in every render he creates. Whether he's got a huge project on his plate or not, you'll always find him behind-the-scenes learning new techniques, trying new styles and expanding his horizons in the 3D/Animation space. The quality and caliber of work that Nate is able to create rivals that of a full team and we're beyond lucky to have him in The Ozone for several years now. Oh and ask him about touring as a drummer in a heavy metal band...

Question 1

What Inspires You in your Role?

I am inspired by a lot of different things, but I think I often get inspired by techniques and small details that often grow into and drive the bigger picture and the story.

Question 2

How do you stay inspired?

I enjoy finding hobbies outside of the industry that help my mind rest and break from the technical details. Coffee, whiskey, disc golf, and taking adventures with my family are what keep me ready for new challenges.

Question 3

What's one piece of advice you wish someone told you when you first began your career?

Do what you love, excites you, and take creative risks. Some of my coolest moments in my career so far have come from saying yes and pushing my self beyond what I thought was possible.


What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I honestly love learning. Most of my hobbies all involve me deep diving and learning as much as possible about that activity or hobby because I find so much joy in doing that.


What's your favorite movie of all time, and why?

This question is always so tough for me, but one that sticks with me as of late is The Creator by Gareth Edwards. For me, the story is very well done and compelling but also, the way they built such an extensive and detailed world in a small run-and-gun way gets me so excited to create.

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